Change Led by Young Generation (CHALLENGER) is a rag tag team of youths from across political, religious and racial divide eager to lead change for a better Malaysia.
We are a youth lobbyist group that advocates for checks and balances, rule of law, freedom of speech, as well as youth related issues. We believe that Malaysian youth plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity and growth of our beautiful country.
Challengers believes in creating a platform for all youths to promote and advocate for reforms. We do this through:
- Critical analysis and debate on national issues affecting all Malaysians
- Educating and empowering the youth to speak up on issues related to national interests and youth concerns.
- Championing issues concerning youth such as academic freedom, youth unemployment and youth participation in politics.
We do this through public forums, nation-wide roadshows, public surveys and petitions as well as social media campaigns. We aspire for a Malaysia where everyone’s voice is heard and where institutional integrity is protected. Our goal for Malaysia is a country where everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and where everyone has a role to play in the betterment of Malaysia.
If you believe in reclaiming Malaysia for the youth, play a part in rewriting our country’s future — join us!